Memberships & Partnerships
Voting Age Challenge, 2021
JFCY and the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights, in partnership with several child rights organizations across Canada, has secured second stage funding from the Court Challenges Program, which helps finance cases of national significance related to constitutional human rights issues.
Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children
The CCRC works to achieve full implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Canada and globally. JFCY was a founding member of CCRC and a JFCY lawyer has continually been on the CCRC Board since it’s inception. Website:
Ontario Bar Association
JFCY lawyers are members of the OBA, a branch of the Canadian Bar Association. Our sectional membership includes: Child and Youth Law, Education Law and the Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law. Website:
Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education (CAPSLE)
JFCY is a member of CAPSLE, a national organization whose aim is to provide an open forum for the practical study of legal issues related to and affecting the education system and its stakeholders. Website: