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Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care et al v Canada [Refugee Health Care] Cases & Decisions

…the Federal Court of Canada: This proceeding concerns an application for judicial review of the federal government’s decision to significantly reduce, and in some cases eliminate, the health care coverage available to many refugee claimants and other individuals who came to Canada seeking its protection. The Applicants assert that the 2012 modifications to the Interim…

AC v. Director of Child and Family Services [Manitoba] [Health Care, Consent and Capacity] Cases & Decisions

JFCY was granted intervener status in a case where, A.C., a 14 year old girl challenged provisions in Manitoba’s child welfare legislation that authorized child protection authorities to override her refusal of a blood transfusion through a court order. She was found by doctors to have capacity to make medical decisions, but the court ruled that a blood transfusion was in her best interests and ordered that she be forced to undergo the procedure.

Health & Mental Health – Secure Treatment Rights Article

…to be? What is a “secure treatment” program? A secure treatment program is an intensive care program to young people under 19 for acute and complex mental health issues. Placement in a secure treatment program are ordered by a court unless it’s an emergency. You may also not be allowed to see your Healthcare Record…

Health & Mental Health – Psychiatric Facilities Rights Article

…admission to a psychiatric facility? What is a “psychiatric facility”?  A psychiatric facility is a place for the observation, care and treatment of people with a mental health problem.  I want to go to a psychiatric facility because I’m feeling suicidal or really need help right away – how do I do this? You can…

Health & Mental Health – Decisions & Capacity Rights Article

…you are presumed to have the capacity to make decisions with respect to your healthcare treatment. However, this right can be taken away from you by the health practitioner if they find you “incapable” of making the decision. How can I be found incapable? A health practitioner will look at a number of things before…

Health & Mental Health – Consent & Privacy Rights Article

Jump down to a question on this page Can I see a health practitioner by myself? Will anyone know if I go for healthcare? Can I see my healthcare records? Who else can see my healthcare records? What if I am not sure about a certain treatment? Can I change my mind after I consented…

Health & Mental Health – OHIP and IFHP Rights Article

…is OHIP? Are drugs covered under OHIP? What is IFHP? What if I do not qualify for OHIP or IFHP? What is OHIP? OHIP is the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. It pays for a wide range of healthcare costs for people who live in Ontario. To qualify, you must be a citizen, landed immigrant, refugee,…

Homeless Youth Over 18 – Mental Health Rights Article

…a question on this page Ontario Disability Support Program Hospitalization Once you are admitted to the hospital Consent and capacity Consent and capacity board Rights Advisor Mental health in criminal courts Ontario Disability Support Program The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is a type of social assistance available to you if you have a disability. Sometimes,…

Refugee health care changes to take place on November 5, 2014 Post

In June 2012, the Federal government made substantial cuts to healthcare insurance provided to refugee claimants under the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). The Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care (CDRC), the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) and Justice for Children and Youth (JFCY) filed an application for judicial review of these cuts, along with…

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