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Health in Your Legal Rights

Family – Parenting & Contact Orders Rights Article

…will have contact with – including time with your parents, siblings and other relatives. This will also include who makes decisions for you on things such as health, education, culture, language, religion and spirituality, and significant extra-curricular activities. This is either decided by your parents (under a “parenting and contact agreement”) or by an application…

Child Welfare – Your Privacy Rights Article

…or funded under the CYFSA and includes services related to: child protection / Children’s Aid Societies residential care community support and prevention physical or mental disabilities mental health adoption services or programs under the Youth Criminal Justice Act or Provincial Offences Act What are my Rights under Part X? The right to request access and…

Homeless Youth Over 18 – Legal Help Rights Article

…– ARCH HIV and AIDS Legal Clinic (Ontario) Income Security Advocacy Centre Justice for Children and Youth Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic Toronto Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic To find contact information for clinic, call 1-800-668-8258 or go to: https://www.legalaid.on.ca/legal-clinics/ Certificates Legal aid certificates can be used to obtain a lawyer for…

Homeless Youth Over 18 – Ontario Works Rights Article

…for social assistance but may be subject to a three month or six month waiting period penalty. You may qualify for ODSP if: you have physical or mental health problems which affect your ability to work or function within the community; OR you have physical or mental health problems which affect your ability to care for yourself; AND…

Homeless Youth Over 18 – Adult Records Rights Article

…(youth) and convictions (adults) fingerprints and photographs 911 calls interviews witnesses and victim reports, and other non-criminal activity based information (for example: incidents or detainments under the Mental Health Act where police were involved) Accessing your police record To obtain access to records about you that are kept by the police, contact your local police service and ask…

Homeless Youth Over 18 – Criminal Court Rights Article

…should seek out any help from any supportive or stable people in your life. Letters of support or personal appearances at court from community support workers, mental health professionals, employment counselors, housing workers, religious leaders, social workers, or guidance teachers are extremely helpful to show the court the network of support that you have. If…

Youth Criminal Justice – Application of the YCJA Rights Article

…future. Also, although you will not be held criminally responsible, there are other laws (for example, under the Child and Family Services Act or other child protection or mental health laws) that could have other consequences. Does the Youth Criminal Justice Act apply to all laws?  No. The system only applies to laws passed by the federal…

Leaving Home Rights Article

…of your personal property with you whether you bought it yourself or it was given to you as a gift. This includes all identification such as your health card, birth certificate and passport. These documents are very important and you should take them with you. If your parents/caregivers are refusing to let you take your…

Youth Criminal Justice – Sentencing Process Rights Article

…person should be held responsible. The sentence should be the least restrictive option that is still a meaningful response to the offence, and promotes the young person’s healthy participation in the community. The sentence should be the one that is most likely to rehabilitate the young person, promote a sense of responsibility, and acknowledge the…

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