R v Banks [Challenge of the Safe Streets Act]
JFCY represented some young people who were ticketed under the Safe Streets Act for squeegeeing and panhandling. The defendants challenged the constitutionality…
Canadian Foundation for Children Youth and the Law v Canada (Attorney General) [Section 43, Corporal Punishment]
In 1998, we launched a constitutional challenge to the criminal defence for corporal punishment of children.
AC v. Director of Child and Family Services [Manitoba] [Health Care, Consent and Capacity]
JFCY was granted intervener status in a case where, A.C., a 14 year old girl challenged provisions in Manitoba’s child welfare legislation that authorized child protection authorities to override her refusal of a blood transfusion through a court order. She was found by doctors to have capacity to make medical decisions, but the court ruled that a blood transfusion was in her best interests and ordered that she be forced to undergo the procedure.
R v JZS [child victim, child witness, testifying]
JFCY was granted intervener standing in a case in which an accused was challenging the provisions of the Criminal Code…
Prime Minister of Canada v Khadr [Child soldier, Canadian citizen, Charter, UN Convention]
JFCY was granted intervener standing in coalition with the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) in this 2010…
Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd v R et al [Media access to Youth Records]
A reporter from the Toronto Star is seeking access to confidential youth court records in 311 Jarvis' Youth Justice Court.
Canada v Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence Society [Test for granting public interest standing]
JFCY intervened in this case that illustrated the proper approach to the test for granting public interest standing in a constitutional case. The Downtown Eastside Sex Workers United Against Violence Society (“SWUAV”) started a constitutional challenge against the government relating to the prostitution provisions in the Criminal Code.
Moore v BC et al [Special Education, accomodation]
This was a case about a student (Jeffrey Moore) with dyslexia who was denied appropriate accommodation of his disability, thereby preventing him meaningful access to an education in the public school system.