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Homeless Youth Over 18

When would I need evidence?

After a negative experience, regardless of what actions you want to take or how you plan to deal with the problem, evidence is essential. For example:

  • a broken toilet which the landlord has not fixed
  • being verbally or physically abused
  • not being paid minimum wage
  • being discriminated against
  • any type of accident you have been involved with

Types of Evidence

Various types of evidence exist and can include:

  • identifying notes
  • pictures and videos
  • witnesses and their statements
  • medical reports
  • police reports
  • estimates (e.g. clothing or furniture repair costs)

Identifying Notes

Right after the incident, write down all the details you can remember, including:

  • date and time
  • location
  • all details of what happened
  • witnesses names and contact information
  • appearance of the person – height, hair style, weight, markings on their body, etc.


  • Get the name, address, phone number, and email address of anyone who saw the incident.
  • Ask any witnesses to write down what they saw right away so they don’t forget the details (make sure they date and sign their notes)
  • Make a copy of the witnesses’ notes. Ask the witness to keep one copy, and keep one for you.

Medical Records

  • If injured (even a scrape or bruise), have a doctor examine the injuries
  • Tell the doctor what happened (all injuries) and that you need a copy of his or her notes
  • Ask the doctor to photocopy the notes taken during the appointment so they can be used in the case
  • Keep receipts if medical service was paid for
  • If injuries don’t get better or get worse, keep going back to the doctor to document them

Pictures and Videos

  • It is best to use a camera that puts a date on the images
  • It could be a picture or recording of the injury caused to the body or property, or the place where the problem happened
  • Take pictures from a few different angles of the area where the problem happened
  • Take pictures of all the injuries (it is best if the person taking the pictures can come to court / tribunal)
  • Ask any nearby stores or businesses if they have a security camera (do this quickly because some are destroyed within 24 hours). Write a dated, signed letter asking them to save the tapes and explain why. Keep a copy of the letter for your records.

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